What's in a name?
When we decided to launch a paleo blog, we had a few names in mind. Turns out, however, that other people had them in mind first. So we started thinking a little outside the box and inside the four walls of our home.
Our paleo life includes four little paleo monsters.
These cute critters are our harshest critics, biggest cheerleaders, and full-time taste testers. And in case you're wondering how we could call these sweet little faces monsters, don't worry: it's totally a term of endearment.
Hey there! I'm so glad you found your way to Five Monsters Paleo. I'm Morgan, and I'm a serious paleo-food fiend; although that hasn't always been the case.
My previous lives include (among other things) culinary arts student, professional cheese buyer, baker, and (non-paleo) food blogger.
I had heard of the whole "paleo" thing here and there, but it really came on my radar when desserts from my previous blog kept getting pinned to paleo boards on Pinterest. The paleo factor seemed to be a huge selling point. I figured I should start tagging my own posts that way, but I wanted to do some research first to make sure I knew what was paleo and what was not.
At first my husband and I thought the paleo diet sounded pretty bogus-- outlawing beans, whole grains, and things generally considered healthy--but when we really dug in, we realized it was all about finding balance in a great diversity of real foods.
We realized that given the 85/15 approach that a lot of paleo peeps apply to their pursuit of health (more on that here), we were really already living a paleo lifestyle!
After many years, several pregnancies, and a handful of Whole30s, we realized more and more that the paleo life was for us.
I used to think I could either eat well or feel well. With paleo, I don't have choose.
For more on what paleo entails, click here.
What's in a name?
When we decided to launch a paleo blog, we had a few names in mind. Turns out, however, other people had them in mind first. So we started thinking a little outside the box and inside the four walls of our home.
Our paleo life includes five little paleo monsters.
And in case you're wondering how we could call these sweet little faces monsters, don't worry: it's totally a term of endearment. . . most of the time. ;)
Hey Y'all!
I'm the Monster Momma.
I'm a Christ-follower, wife, mother to five sweet paleo monsters, writer, and
paleo food fiend.
Join me and my family on our paleo journey!